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UNHRC: Venezuela Seeks Help

-Kuimshal Dixit, Udbav Aryal

Prolonging the matter discussed in the committee, there were two different resolutions discussed today at the UNHRC committee. The resolutions highlighted the urgency of the issues faced by the citizens of Venezuela and the economic state of the country. Venezuela's current inability to uplift the economic status of the country and provide basic relief materials to all of its citizens, resulted in solutions being proposed by the delegates of  China, Venezuela, Afghanistan, Russia, USA, Maldives and Germany.


Since the government of Venezuela was said to be corrupt, the representative of Venezuela himself informed the committee about the muddle that is taking place in the country but soon followed up with a contradictory statement saying, “The government of Venezuela has murdered people for safety.” A resolution stating the solutions for the Venezuelan crisis was displayed by the authors which included China, Venezuela, Afghanistan and Russia. Precise modifications like change of currency from Bolivars to Renminbi to stabilize the economy, urging the countries to supply humanitarian aid and accept refugees were steps to be taken by the Venezuelan government. To uplift the economic status of the country, barter system was proposed to be introduced in order to exchange goods for the citizens with oil. Venezuela is seeking aid from countries focusing on the production of goods so foreign currency can be earned in order to abate the problem.

After a lengthy discussion, a favorable outcome was seen after the amended resolution was voted upon and passed. As a result the committee was successful to get to the bottom of the agenda at hand.

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