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UNHRC: Will Humanitarian Aid Interfere With Authoritarian Rule In Venezuela?

   -Kushal Dixit, Udbav Aryal

Today, the delegates of the UNHRC committee discussed the inflation in Venezuela and its effects on their respective countries citizens. Venezuela, which has the largest proven oil reserves on the planet is in the midst of a five year crisis. The Delegate of Venezuela addressed to the committee that they would not be accepting humanitarian aid from other countries as it would cause interference in their authoritarian rule. Due to this fact it was extremely grueling for the delegates to find a proper solution.

The worsening condition of the Venezuelan citizens due to the collapse of traditional currency deprived them of their basic needs. They are facing constant struggle to sustain their families. The declining health conditions of the people still did not manage to convince the delegate to accept humanitarian aid, because of this situation a common strategy was yet to be decided upon by the delegates.

After a few questions asked to the representative of Venezuela, several solutions were presented by a few of the delegates, which mainly revolved around the countries working together to follow up on a genuine agreement. China offered to help the affected country by providing a larger sum of money. The delegate of Jordan advised Venezuela to introduce Petro currency which would be very advantageous to the economic state of the country. Similarly, USA has pledged to provide 48 million dollars to Venezuela.

Considering that the delegates of this committee stick to the solutions agreed upon in the committee and president Nicolas Maduro of Venezuela accepts the humanitarian aid offered by several different countries, we can expect a comprehensive and unanimous resolution from the delegates of the UNHRC.

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