-Saisha Joshi and Aastha Rijal
Behind the scenes of our beloved MUN Daily is an incredibly hard working yet fun loving team, famously known as the International Press and Tech team. Comprising of members, the international press toils endlessly to provide you with classified and reliable news fresh off the rack just as the IT team does. You would assume such an interminable loop of essays is bound to make the press members a bore but you are terribly mistaken. Correcting such grievous assumptions, meet the press:
Ayush Regmi : Head of Press, Lover of brownies, Cookie distributor and the Mother hen of the press team
“IM SO STRESSEEDDD. I don’t know what to say to this”
Angelina Ghimire: Editor, Detests anything that flies, Major Potterhead, Has the voice of an angel
“ Hyaaaa, thahachaina ke malai!”
Sneha Lohani: Editor, Crazy Stuntwoman, Chota bomb bada dhamaka, Secretly a Softie
“HYAA, Angie mero quote chorchas”
Sivali Bhandary: Editor, Obsessed with “cute little” sticky notes, Brimming with wit and humour, GOT INTO COLLEGE
Rincheen Sherpa: Subeditor, The next Celine Dion, 90s kid by heart, spewer of dad jokes
“pInEaPpLeS bELoNg oN PiZzA”
Ankur Dahal: Blog Designer, Die hard football fan, Programming G O D, Fact man
“I GOT INTO TUFTS!!!!!!!!!”
Rakshit Bhimsaria: Deputy head of IT, Love-hate relationship with computers, The “yes man”
“I feel like I have a physical incapability to say no to anyone anymore. Pls don’t add more work”
“The press leaders are awesome. They’ve literally inspired me to become a journalist later in life.”
-Roving Reporter
“Incredibly understanding and dedicated”
-Sanghiya Sansad reporter
“Halka pushing; encouraging in better words”
“They’re cool but serious when they have to be. It’s not a bad thing I suppose”
-IAEA reporters