For the love of MUN (MUN mun parera). That is why everyone is involved and that is why everyone has put in hard work. MUN is a labour of love that has taken six months to organize. From selecting executives to creating art pieces, allocating budgets, making and editing study guides, taking pictures, and designing the website and blog, the dais, press, photographers, logistics, art department, and tech team have been working day and night.
Sometimes we all needed reminding about why we were doing this. Hours on end spent looking at the minutest of details. The logistics calling various organizations for sponsorships, inviting schools from Nepal and India, and even making RBS MUN a
completely eco-friendly MUN, the first ever. The photographers taking pictures of practice sessions, hosting a photo editing session, and letting no picture enter the google drives without post production touchups. The other teams, too, working on art projects, on the blog, on the very newspaper you’re holding.
The topics and committees were all decided by dais members. Each chair took rresponsibility for researching current issues and creating committees that have the ability to resolve them. The deputy secretary generals checked progress everywhere while chairing perhaps two of the most challenging committees, the joint crisis committees stimulating the Nazi Cabinet and the Politburo of the Soviet Union during the Second World War. The secretary general, overlooking the entire event, coordinating with the administration, placing the seal of approval on the website, the study guides, the blog; finalizing every last decision.
For the secretariat and many of the executives this will be their sixth RBS MUN. For the rest, even if it is their second one, the amount of effort put into it has been equal to, if not more, than that put in by the six-time veterans. Maybe being a completely student run affair and the last RBS MUN the organizing team will take part in
makes this MUN all the more special. Perhaps we all want to make this our last hurrah, a RBS MUN that will be difficult to surpass by any that follow.
In the end, I think we all realized, our hard work was for the love of watching delegates learn, grow, come out of their shells, and debate. For the love of seeking solutions to world issues with potential world leaders. But most of all, for making the fourteenth Rato Bangala MUN the most memorable one yet. The one with the most table bangs, the most laughter, the most heated discussions The one which brings real world diplomats to shame. One we can all be proud to call ours.